Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The Human Anime Character

Believe it or not, this is a real person. Her name is Anatasiya Shpagina. The 19 year old Ukrainian woman has made it her mission to spend everyday of her life looking like an anime character come to life and now has a huge fan base because of it. Her facebook page has close to 30,000 subscribers and her youtube make-up tutorial has over 4 million views.

She has not had any plastic surgery (but claims to be considering it) though her shockingly tiny waist makes it seem otherwise. She spends hours on her makeup everyday, stands at only 5’2” and weighs less than 90 pounds.

If you look at her youtube channel, most of the videos she uploads are of her standing and not really doing anything. Some music is playing around her and she occasionally waves. She hardly ever smiles, and come to think of it i’m not sure I ever saw her even blink. She really takes the whole “human doll” thing very literally. It’s like method acting to the extreme. I doubt even Daniel Day Lewis could pull off something like this, though I would love to see him try. 

Personally, I will never understand the appeal of wanting to act like a lifeless doll, or look like a cartoon character. I mean I get it if you’re twelve years old, and are so obsessed with Hey Arnold that you wear a tiny baseball cap and blue sweater everyday, but trying to modify your head into a football shape would be taking it too far.  Is Anastasiya taking it too far? Look at these photos and decide for yourself.

More picture of real people who become Dolls

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Wildlife Crime: The Most Urgent Threat to Elephants, Rhinos, and Tigers

 In 50 years of conservation, we have never seen wildlife crime on such a scale. Wildlife crime is now the most urgent threat to three of the world's best-loved species—elephants, rhinos and tigers.
The global value of illegal wildlife trade is between $7.8 and $10 billion per year. It is a major illicit transnational activity worldwide—along with arms, drugs and human trafficking. High-level traders and kingpins are rarely arrested, prosecuted, convicted or punished for their crimes.

Wildlife Crime: The Most Urgent Threat to Elephants, Rhinos, and Tigers | WWF (World Wildlife Fund / World Wide Fund for Nature)
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